2 level tsp of medium hot chilli flakes
3 crushed garlic cloves
1 tsp of dishwashing liquid
1litre of water
Add the chilli, garlic and dishwashing liquid in a slightly larger than 1litre container or bottle, add 1 litre of water to the mixture, close lid and shake well.
Put it somewhere dark and for the next three days shake the container or bottle once a day, and on the fourth day strain the liquid into a sprayer and go forth and spray, within a day or two notice the lack of buggies.
Insects do not like the taste of garlic, while the chilli burns their stomachs, the dishwashing liquid is used to keep it sticking on the veggies, once dried it will last for several days even through watering.
This formula will also not degrade your soil like chemical pesticides as it is natural.
Note: do not add too much chilli or too hot chilli it will burn your vegetables, also try using an environmentally friendly dishwashing liquid, at the moment we use Earth Choice.
By Kevin Mechelmans