Carlingford Public School
The area where the garden resides was left vacant when portable classrooms were removed and to make the space useful and productive, they introduced a garden and chicken run. The entire area is 30 metres x 15 metres with the chicken pen and run area taking up 10 metres by 15 metres. The chicken run also contains a number of fruit trees such as banana, citrus and avocado.
The main garden area is composed of twenty one 880mm wide by 1800mm long by 500mm high colourbond corrugated steel raised garden beds in alternating red and grey colours, on a bed of light coloured gravel. There is a water tank at the southern end of the area, fed from the adjacent classroom roof with multiple taps.
There are also a couple of features on the adjacent asphalt area which is used for a sitting and teaching space. These include raised beds on legs, made from wood and plastic, and an interesting invention composed of a series of 5 rectangular worm farms set up to harvest worm juice easily (currently not in use) and a tumble-style composter, also not currently in use.
Main Veg Area
The Water Tank
The Chook Precinct
Smaller Container Crops
Organic Matter Recycling
Seating/Teaching Area